Revi.Tea.Lise Tea


Price Summary
  • $18.00
  • $18.00
  • $18.00
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The Tea Thief Revi.tea.lise blend wraps its spicy cinnamon arms around you and gives you a clove kiss.

Ease internal ailments with herbs known to aid digestive discomforts and immune functions. Revitealise your senses with this zesty metabolic circulatory booster.

This uplifting blend of herbs is traditionallyused in Ayuveda to balance Kapha.

Taste: Spicy, Robust Warming and Comforting

Did you Know?: In Sanskrit, Ayurveda translates as ‘The Science of Life’ Ayurvedic knowledge often called ‘Mother of all healing’ originated in India more than 5,000 years ago.

Tip: For a chai tea, brew with your choice of Mylk and sweetener

All Natural Ingredients: All Organic green tea, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, black pepper, fennel

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